Tag Archives: O.. Simipson

Media-Created Persona

“It is tempting to assume he (U.S. District Judge Richard Berman) is a Patriots fan,” Alan Fredregill of Sioux City wrote in his Sept. 13, 2015, letter to the Des Moines (Iowa) Register, in which he asserted that the “Deflategate” was blinded by the celebrity of Tom Brady. “It also looks like he, just like Judge Ito at O.J. Simpson’s murder trial, was star-struck by Brady’s celebrity status.”

If Mr. Fredregill has truly bought the media-created persona that O.J. Simpson judge, Lance Ito, was too dazzled by the celebrity of Simpson at his trial 20 years ago to be objective or preside appropriately over that trial, then Fredregill will understand why many consumers of today’s media believe that all Iowans are hayseed rubes who can’t find their way out of a cornfield.

Fredregill and all who have swallowed the media-spewed star-struck Ito image need to read Anatomy of a Trial: Public Loss, Lessons Learned from The People vs. O.J. Simpson available from Amazon in hard copy and as an ebook.

Sunday Letters: Another judge caves to celebrity